Sunday, December 11, 2011

Miss Erica Online's giveaway!

kk it's been a while since I've done these!

Miss Erica is back, and I'm super excited to see that she is! 
I've been a quiet lurker for a while, so when I saw her blog post I immediately went: HELL YEAH!
Actually because of her money sense series, I started keeping track of the money I spent! I kept it up pretty well on an excel spreadsheet for a good 4 months till life took over and I didn't remember what I had spent during the day. 
But I changed phones, downloaded an app and I am back on track! I just need to input my data back into excel (which will take a while).

BUT onto the main point!
Check out her giveaway here: Miss Erica Online! 
It's going to be a assortment of goodies (so excited! haha).
Good luck to everyone! :)

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